Result Declaration Information
- The date of declaration of result is not fixed, it can come any time. usually results come at the end of September/March . The University has successfully held examination in the month Dec/June.
- Student can check result own student login with the help of login ID issued by university to students after admission.
- For any student failing in some paper, if they pass in re-sitting, fresh mark list showing the marks obtained in previous semester as well as present semester will be issued to them.
- Flexible-Technology Enabled Learning (F-TEL) Programs : Admission Open Mangalayatan university, Aligarh, is offering a grand opportunity for the working people, to pursue higher studies for their professional growth, with the new F-Tel Program, involves 20% mandatory e-learning of the program via valuable platforms like MOOC, Swayam, and university LMS and they are tailored according to Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).
- There will be semester system of examination, i.e. examination for all the courses shall be held twice in a year i.e. in the months of June and December every year or on such dates as may be fixed by the University.
- The term end Examination schedule of examination center shall be informed through the admit card and also through the website: in the examination centre will be different from learning centre & eligible students will be given admit cards to appear the examination.